Accelerated Reader
( Click above to FInd out how many points a book is or what level it is)
(Click above to see how your child is doing on their AR tests; use students' login and password they use in classroom)
What is Accelerated Reader?
AR®is a reading program for first through sixth grade students that . . .
Manages student reading
Monitors student’s comprehension
Motivates students to read
Increases the volume, quality, and enjoyment of reading
Why do we need Accelerated Reader®?
Alarming statistics point out that elementary school students are spending less and less time reading independently
The Accelerated Reader®program challenges all readers – from the novice to the most advanced bookworms -
to read more quality literature at their own level
How does AR® work?
The student takes an assessment test to determine their reading level
This “STAR” test is generally given once a quarter and is designed to identify a student’s range of independent reading.
The student is given an independent reading level rating (ZPD) based on their STAR test results.
Student reads a book in their reading level chosen from a list of over 110,000 books with AR quizzes available.
The target is to find material that is not too easy or too frustrating
Students have access to over 110,000 quizzes
After reading the book, the student takes a quiz on the book using a classroom computer
Each quiz is 5 - 20 multiple choice questions
Student goal is to score 80% or higher on each quiz
How is Accelerated Reader® used in the classroom?
Teachers set AR® reading goals, depending upon grade level, per week, month or trimester
Each book has a point value depending on reading level and difficulty
Students must acquire a minimum number of book points or titles read per week, month or trimester
What results can be expected from AR®?
Student receives immediate feedback
Teacher and student review the results
Based on results, teacher makes recommendations
Teachers receive detailed reports on students’ progress
How does the Library support Accelerated Reader®?
Library page on website explains how Accelerated Reader® works
Library maintains list of all books in the library with AR quizzes available through Teachers, students and parents may access this list using website. See instructions on other side.
How can parents help?
Encourage your child to read
Make time at home for reading
Shut down distractions
Ask your child about his or her book
Donate a needed book to our library or your child’s classroom.
Helping students help themselves to become better readers